In Uttar Pradesh, the Department of Labor is responsible for the registration of Laborers, Construction & Establishment Owners in the State. The process of registration and issuance of paper-based ID card, calculation & collection of CESS and the registration of construction & establishment owners is undertaken the Department of Labor.
The Department of Labor, Uttar Pradesh wanted to streamline the manual process of various transactional activities in the registration of Laborers, Construction & Establishment in the State with the help of technology and entrusted its confidence in MARG Software Solutions for providing a turnkey solution.
MARG Software Solutions was selected to provide a complete turnkey solution for the various activities that the Department undertook.
In order to undertake the computerization of the end‐to‐end business lifecycle of the Department, MARG Software Solutions provisioned the required infrastructure at the various hierarchical levels of the Department.
Complete tracking and monitoring of the process and the online availability of records making it easier to access and refer to.
Being a web-based solution, the application can be accessed from any location with an internet connection and valid credentials.
Online availability of detailed and updated descriptions of information ensured transparency of the complete process.
Smart biometric ID cards issued to every laborer in the state.
Complete integration with secured, biometric-based smart ID cards.